December 15, 2022
Contact: Queen Zakia Shabazz
Phone: 804-370—1143
Email: qshabazz@vaejc.org
Richmond, VA-(12/15/2022)—Virginia Environmental Justice Collaborative is pleased to
announce that it was selected as one of 14 community-based organizations that will be awarded up to $125,000 to participate n the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) flagship program, the Partnership for Resilient Communities (PRC).
"This is an exciting time for communities that have been traditionally left behind. The ISC award signifies a new beginning that will greatly impact historically economically
disadvantaged communities. It is the mission of the Virginia Environmental Justice
Collaborative to stand united in meeting the needs of EJ communities," states Queen Zakia Shabazz, CEOÂ of VEJC.
ISC's Partnership for Resilient Communities program supports community-based organizations led by people of color in championing climate resilience-building initiatives that elevate the voices, priorities and assets of their communities. This is the second iteration of the program, made possible thanks to the renewal of a multi-year grant from the JPB Foundation.
"With this renewal, PRC will grow from 10 partner organizations to 14, expanding the power
and reach of local leaders of color who will guide the grassroots strategies that will address
climate inequities within their communities"said Sonia Joshi, Director of U.S. Programs at the
The goal of the VEJC is to reduce the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards by
educating, empowering, and mobilizing grassroots organizations and individuals to speak up for themselves and by building an alliance to promote fair policies and practices. The organization's mission is to improve the health and well-being of communities of color, low-income, and pollution-affected Virginia communities. www.vejc.org.
The Institute for Sustainable Communities' mission is to support communities hardest hit by climate disruption and pollution, tackle economic, social and environmental underpinnings, and build a better future shaped and shared by all. We facilitate justice, equity, and the inclusion of disinvested communities in policies, decisions, and investments.
We prioritize closing the gaps that put them in harm's way. Â We are equity and environmental justice practitioners, co-led by Pradnya Haldipur, Trina Mallik, and Nicholas Stevens.